Development Group

with Gillian Alexander


(via Skype)



Joining the development group will entitle you to engage online in the following:
*   a secret Facebook group
*   four weekly 2-hour sessions via Skype (7 till 9pm GMT)
*   a final round up session via Skype which will allow you to ask any further questions and which will be recorded as a webinar.

The Skype sessions will be recorded so it is not essential to attend all sessions in person, though it is strongly advised that you do.

The four sessions will focus on the following topics:

– The Power of Words
– The Power of Breath
– The Power of Touch
– The Power of Energy

All sessions will be active and involve movement.

I employ a unique and powerful weave of Tantra, Shamanic practice and Truth in my work and this weaves into my training sessions.  Shamanic development is quite different from the traditional ‘mind-education’ that we are most familiar with.  In shamanic development the teacher’s Being merges with the Being of the student, thus the student’s Being has access to any development, ability or skill of the teacher’s Being and is thus able to adopt any development, ability or skill which is relevant to the student.   Tantric practice emphasises embodied experience, rather than an intellectual understanding of an experience.  Each session will engage a series of exercises or experiences to allow you to embody and develop your own relationship to each week’s topic.  How you engage each will be very personal to you.  How you engage each will be very personal to you.  These exercises may include active visualisations, movement, breathwork and a wide range of other experiences to support embodiment.

This is therefore a group for your own personal development, or rather the development of your Being, ie your entirety.

Dates and Times of Sessions

The four sessions will be from 7 till 9pm on Tuesdays as follows:

– 5th November – The Power of Words
– 12th November – The Power of Breath
– 19th November – The Power of Touch
– 26th November – The Power of Energy

And the final, webinar session via Skype will be held between 7 till 8:30pm on
– Wednesday, 27th November – Webinar (submit questions in the week before)

Method of teaching

Gillian teaches by transmission whilst also conveying a great deal of information, generally in an embodied form.  This means that you learn through experiencing and feeling the experience and so your body retains that and it’s not all left up to your mind to sort and file and retrieve the information.  If you drive a car, think about how you drive – you don’t do it all by your mind retrieving the manual from its recesses and telling your body how to drive – you do it because your body has learned how to.  This is the same for something like structured dancing, such as Tango or Jive.  Most of what we do most naturally has been embodied.  Learning information by transmission is when our Being (our physical body and our subtle energies) learns from another Being simply from being connected with them.  My Being is able to merge which greatly facilitates this process.  If you are able to attend the group in Prestwick you will also benefit from further development and growth as Gillian’s Being will be merged and your own Being learning and developing via this route.  This is an extraordinary way to learn which is not offered from most practitioners or course facilitators.

You will also receive some written notes though you are encouraged to bring a notepad and make notes of your own if you find this a useful way of learning and focussing.


The charge for the four 2-hour sessions via Skype, the 90 minute question and answer session/webinar and membership of the online (Facebook) group is usually £160.  This course beginning on 22nd October is being offered at the very generous introductory rate of half price – only £80 (or £90 if you choose to pay in two instalments), as this will be the first group offered via Skype.

Payment date

There are only 10 places offered in the Skype group (though this may be increased if there is great demand).  Your place is secured by payment in full (you can also pay in two instalments of £50 and £40, the latter being payable no later than 10th November)

Development Group, includes PayPal admin fee



Gillian has a very wide range of skills, experiences and development.  She grew up on a farm learning a great deal about natural life, and with a mother who was a very keen plants-woman from whom she learned about plants in depth even before starting school.  Her family has long ancestral links into theosophy and esoterics, her great grandmother being a founder member of the Golden Dawn and other relatives being Grand Masters in the Masons and also with links into the Rosicrucians and other Secret Societies.  Through school and university she specialised in sciences, gaining an Honours degree in Biochemistry and a Masters in Public Health Medicine.  She has retained both the curiosity and the scepticism of the scientist to this day.  It was with this scepticism that she began to explore Reiki in 1999.  And then going on to take Reiki 2 attunements from two different teachers (Reiki Masters) and then on to take the Master Teacher training before travelling to Cuba in 2006.  She also had a 21 year career in the health service specialising in management of chronic conditions such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, epilepsy, respiratory disease, mental illness and certain cancers. Throughout the past 15 years she has gained diplomas in Clinical Reflexology, Swedish Massage, Clinical Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage and also studied for three years in Ascension Therapy.  She has taken short courses in Quantum Touch and Colour Light Therapy.

In relation to tantra and sexual healing, Gillian has a very strong ‘past life’ connection to the archetype of the priestess, especially those practicing sexual rights in the temples.   She has trained in tantra massage and sexual healing and has done extensive and intensive training to develop shamanic infrastructure and functioning such that she now functions as a very highly developed shaman with particular skills in perceiving distortions, blockages and suppression in the subtle energy bodies and in supporting growth and development in others.  She has undertaken the ISTA Sacred Sexual Shamanic Practitioner training with Baba Dez Nichols and Shakti Malan, a three day training in tantra massage with Lynn Patterson, an 8-day tantra intensive with Shakti Malan and Rahasya, and the Awaken The Sacred Body training with Lea and Matt of Unique Tantra.  She has also undertaken intensive training with Dr Kenneth Ray Stubbs over a three year period and this has included undertaking his Path of The Sexual Shaman training twice. She has taken part in various short courses and workshops with Vesco Bondov, Andrew Barnes, Shakti Malan, Uta Demontis, and Carlos Jalon.   She has been practicing tantra massage and facilitating the Sacred Heart Tantra Group for more than 4 years and has been teaching massage and tantra massage for 3 years and teaching tantra and running workshops and events also for over three years.   In the past year she has been receiving invitations to teach in the US, and Mexico, and Italy and has been invited to take part with free thinkers from throughout the world in a think/heart-tank group in Malta later this year.

Tantra has always been a major part of who Gillian is, though she might not have recognised it as such.


I very much look forward to working with you

In praise of previous events:

My one big reaction is more, more, more please!!
Words night was good and I’m now getting into the habit of a Daily Wish List for Tomorrow. The more I think about it, the more likely it is to happen.
I do try more and more to be aware of my breath, but would love some more meditations. Do you have a recording of yours yet? I love the circular breath exerise.
Touch was an amazing night – just wasn’t long enough at all!!!!
Energy night was brilliant – still get a buzz when I think about it.
I enjoyed the way the nights were delivered. You obviously had ideas, but I felt it flowed so much from the energy in the group.
I appreciate that, by its very nature, a Development Group will move on to …. next stage, who knows? Any plans for Part Two?
Enjoyed this course very much – beautifully delivered, love your Temple Space, your passion for your work, your sense of humour and your Truth. Thanks”