
Ostara Emergence
a playshop at the time of the Spring Equinox 2025
with Gillian Alexander



DunureWhat an incredible time to be alive!
Scotland, and the whole world, is waking up – powerful lands & people & traditions
and it feels as if the whole of existence well through the birthing process and is now engaged ready for birth ……

The Celtic celebrations of the eight Sabbats forming a portal into the wisdom of the land and of the seasons …

At the time of the Spring Equinox, when day and night are in perfect balance, a time of birth and rebirth, of hope and new growth; of separation and coming into independence, come join us in a celebration of your own potency and potential.


The day will draw on the energies of Persephone, the maiden; energies of potential, emergence, and promise …


The word ‘Ostara’ translates as ‘bringer of dawn’ – it is the time when our ancestors marked the coming of spring, and celebrated the spring maiden and the horned god. It is the time when Persephone returned from the Underworld and her mother, Demeter, allowed growth to return to the lands.  In many traditions, this time is celebrated as the return of vibrancy and life to the earth. This is a time where the air is thick with promise of the new, and of life full of vitality. This is the perfect time and field to support us through anything.


Using story sharing, music, movement and laughter we will connect to our inner wisdom and power explore what it means to be embodied at this time. You will help create a sacred space in which you can relax, open, heal, reclaim and support others to do the same ….

Held in a beautiful Heart Space in Prestwick, Scotland

On Saturday 22nd March  2025

between 10:30am and 5.30pm

£70, or £65 if paid beforehand
To book:
please contact Gillian at gillian@sacred-touch.co.uk

♥ You will help create a sacred space in which you can relax, open, heal, reclaim and support others to do the same. You will be fully honoured and invited to participate at your own level ♥

Gillian Alexander, Sacred TouchThe workshop will be lovingly facilitated by Gillian Alexander.
Gillian has been facilitating training for more than 35 years. She has facilitated the Sacred Heart Tantra Group meetings, events and organisation in Scotland since she co-founded it early in 2009. Her background is mainly in science and research, in health service facilitation and management and as a shaman, masseuse and Dakini. She is an artful solution finder, motivator and inspirer of others, leading by example in living in her passion and embodying her power. She invites you into a world where anything is possible…. .



.NYNewMoon_FireThe Equinox peaks on Thursday 20th March at 04:01 UK time this year.  You may choose to create your own ceremony or process to consciously focus on what you choose to create.



For further information please contact Gillian by email
on gillian@sacred-touch.co.uk or by phone on 07913 906 343,
or see www.sacred-touch.co.uk/events



In praise of a previous events:

“I enjoyed the content of the workshop – the mix of movement, visualisations, creative space and paired exercises worked for me. We seemed to cover so much, but I never felt rushed to do anything. As ever, you held a beautiful space and that gives me such a feeling of safety to be with whatever comes up – thank you.” ~ Carole – Celebration of Yule 2018


“Thank you for yesterday. It was a profound experience. During the immersion, I had a deep meeting with my belly and now I appreciate its power and intelligence. Also during one of the exercises, I suddenly realised that I must relate to others using my heart and belly rather than my head!” ~ male participant (Into the Belly at Imbolc)

“Just short note to say thanks for hosting the event the other day. I found it nervous enough attending so your having the courage to host and lead such an event is quite an achievement.

I really enjoyed it , found it very helpful and am already putting some of those thoughts and insights from the day to good use. I’ll be honest I wanted to turn and run within 5 minutes of arriving but am glad I didn’t!” ~ male participant (Into the Belly at Imbolc)

“The morning session was woman only and, when you opened sacred space, I felt such a deep connection to all of the other women. I felt very honoured and safe in your Playshop and that gave me the confidence and will to explore my lack of relationship with my belly. Once I had accepted that it was safe to do so, that was when I could feel my healing beginning. I also felt that my healing and the power in my belly was helping other women – and not just those in the Playshop. It felt more universal than that. I heard myself asking ‘why have this amazing power and not use it for good’?

A wonderful morning of music, tears, laughter, speaking, listening and support – all beautifully facilitated and organized by you Gillian, thanks.” ~ female participant (Into The Belly)

“Gillian is very skilled at creating and holding a sacred space where people feel safe to go deep and share the parts of themselves that they keep hidden from the world. She was very present and caring at the workshop.” ~ female participant (Into The Belly)