Awaken to The Sacred, on the Isle of Bute with thanks to Nathan Mansfield for the artwork


Awaken to the Sacred:

a path to freedom, a path to truth


You are lovingly invited to this one-week retreat and into this space of transformation, of integrating sexuality and spirituality, of remembering and reclaiming. A retreat integrating sexuality and spirituality specifically designed for everyone, individuals and couples of all sexual orientation are welcome . . . . this retreat is suitable for absolute beginners, those seeking an opportunity to further their own healing and/or tantric practice as well as practitioners who are interested in expanding and deepening their gifts.

This week will be an opportunity to explore who you are, and how you relate to yourself, to others and to the world around you. It will be an opportunity to explore what your current reality is, where your desires direct you and how you may find that place. It will be a week to uncover your potential as a fully integrated and powerful being and to explore how you may express this in the world.

This is a unique opportunity to learn and apply shamanic energy medicine practices combined with physical and energetic sacred sexual healing techniques.

Have you had those moments, whilst alone, when all the story falls away and you are left only with the purity of truth? Sometimes this happens when we experience a very strong event, such as severe illness, or a ‘near-death’ experience, where we have ‘our life flash before us’, or we simply find that place of peace where we allow it in. Or you may have experienced it with another person, when you both allow your story to fall away and you allow each other to see who you truly are.

If you have ever experienced this then you will know just how powerful and precious this experience is …..

Clearing the energetic imprint of previous trauma and programming from this life and/or others and integrating it on a physical/cellular level is essential for us to recover our freedom and birthright as radiant sexual and powerful beings!

This is a time when that what is not true is beginning to crumble and fall away. The stories and the drama … This week will be further easing this process and nurturing and fanning the flames from the core embers once that-which-is-not is cleared away. In this week we will be exploring and engaging and remembering various techniques to shed the story and find this place of freedom and truth….

You are invited into this beautiful setting to peel back the layers, and to discover your full potential, your beauty, your truth and your flow whilst held in a safe and sacred space…

The week will be facilitated in a safe and sacred space held by Gillian Alexander of Sacred Touch.

Details of the course content and arrangements will be made available shortly. For further information about the training contact Gillian.

The retreat will be held in near Edinburgh, in the Heart of Scotland
starting at 10:30 on Tuesday September 22nd and finishing at 14:00 on Sunday September 27th 2015

Your full investment is £1490, including £890 for all tuition, coaching & mentoring, & £600 for all food (vegetarian meals cooked with love) & very comfortable shared accommodation.
A very special rate of £1290 is available for payment before 10th August
Payment plans are available and special options for those who pay in full.

Your place is secured by a non-refundable deposit of £600 or by the full payment of £1290/1490.

To book contact Gillian at or by phone on 07913 906 343.


There is a further discount for couples participating together and booking no later than 31st July.

Cancellation & Refund Policy:
Any cancellations must be made by email preferably stating reasons. Once payment has been made the following refund policy shall apply: The deposit of £600 is non refundable. Cancellation 6 weeks prior to event – refund less deposit mentioned above unless participant has someone to take their place. Cancellation 4 weeks prior to event – 50% refund less deposit unless participant has someone to take their place. Thereafter and failing obtaining a replacement participant all fees will be forfeited. This is unless the event is fully booked at which time full refund will be given less administration fee.

The retreat will be lovingly facilitated by Gillian Alexander.

Gillian has been facilitating training for more than 20 years. She has facilitated the Sacred Heart Tantra Group meetings, events and organisation in Scotland for 6 years since she set it up early in 2009. Her background is mainly in science and research (she holds a BSc in Biochemistry and a Masters in Public Health Medicine), in health service facilitation and management and as a shaman, masseuse and Dakini. She is an artful solution finder, motivator and inspirer of others, leading by example in living in her passion and embodying her power. She has studied extensively for the past three years with Dr Kenneth Ray Stubbs to develop her shamanic infrastructure and shamanic functioning and increasingly with Leanne Edwards to support embodiment of this shamanic functioning. She has also studied extensively with Shakti Malan in healing sexual trauma and has taken part in a wide range of training in Tantra, Sacred Sexuality, Sexual Healing and Shamanic Practice, including ISTA (International School of Temple Arts) Sacred Sexual Shamanic Practitioner training.




A week of awakening to the sacred….


During the week we will explore many different tools to shed conditioned, inherited and learned patterns and to truly embody your power and your brilliance

This program is an outline and some content may change to reflect the interests and pace of the group.


There may be nudity in this class.


How to prepare . . .
Please come with an open heart, an open mind, a sense of humor, a sense of adventure and most importantly the intention to be fully present! .

When to arrive . . .
Each day begins at 10am and concludes between 5 and 6pm with approx 1 hour lunch break. Practical Exercises may extend into the evenings. Please arrive each morning 10 mins before the scheduled start time. .

What is provided . . .
A safe and sacred space for magick to happen. Meals, Accommodation, Tea, & Drinking Water .

What to bring with you . . .
Loose comfortable clothes that you feel good in, temperatures may vary so bring layers. We will be sitting on the floor, dancing, moving and breathing . . . .

You are also encouraged to bring:
a journal/notebook and pen
special back support if you need it
yoga mat
musical instruments
sheet blanket/duvet/sleeping bag
massage oil (and lubricant if you choose) .

What is required of you . . .
Your full participation! .

Accommodation . . .
Included on shared basis.

Meals . . .
Three vegetarian meals a day are provided. Please advise of any special dietary requirements at time of booking. .

Gillian – .

Maximum group size: 12 .

Method of Payment . . .
Either by bank transfer or credit or debit card (contact Gillian for details) * Please ensure that all bank charges are deducted from your sending bank so that the full amount is received in GBP, and an admin fee applies to card payments..

Private Sessions . . .
Gillian is available prior to the retreat for Private Shamanic Healing Sessions and/or Sexual Healing. Single session woman Single session man Couple sessions Sessions may be one on one, one on two or two on two.£100.00 per hour (one on one or one on two) £170 per hour (two on one or two on two – Gillian and a colleague) For more info regarding private sessions and consultancies please refer to Sacred Touch website:


Welcome, I look forward to ‘Awakening to the Sacred’ with you!
In One Heart . . .
Love & Blessings,



For further information please contact Gillian by email on or by phone on 07913 906 343, or see


I am so looking forward to sharing space with you!


Testimonials from previous events:

“What I most appreciate about Gillian’s work is her integrity and her no-nonsense approach to What Is. Combined with a real passion for what she does and deep loving compassion towards others, Gillian creates an incredibly authentic and supportive Sacred Space which invites us to reconnect with our own Truth.

Having attended the Sacred Awakening retreat in Bute, I’m now experiencing the essence of my Truth in a way I have never before experienced it – this Fire in my belly and the Light in my heart is utterly priceless”


“I feel so privileged to have had this opportunity to be on Gillian’s Awaken to the Sacred retreat and would highly recommend this! I loved Gillian’s integrity, grounded approach and her ability to hold sacred space, even during, what seemed to me, very challenging moments. I feel I’ve retrieved many parts of myself & released many blocks. I feel a sense of lightness & increased awareness as never before. I have also realised that while I trust myself as a giver, I’m much less able to trust myself to receive. I look forwards to continuing my journey & hope to be working again with Gillian VERY SOON! “


“This retreat has changed my life. I gained a powerful cleaning of my field/body and the result is a deep joy within myself, self confidence, a focus on what I want from life/bring into life- rather than being distracted from pain and being triggered a lot. There was an immense building into trust and feeling my sacredness (like anybody elses). It allowed me to surrender and release the things that no longer served me. I became more of that woman I truly am and feel kind and loving within me and do radiate that. I shifted from kneeling and hiding away, to standing on my own two feet- being aware of my sacredness in my heart rather than my mind. I do feel deeply energized. I recommend the work with Gillian highly. It was the best I could wish for.

Thank you thank you thank you! Has been a pleasure and honour!

I want to let that sink in and work with it first, before I´ll be back for more. Bless you!”


“I got so very much from the week’s training. You hold such a beautiful space for healing Gillian – you also provide space (and a safety net, if needed) for self-discovery. I really loved how you delivered each day of the course – you have a deep awareness of your subject matter, and you then created an atmosphere of love, trust, compassion and sometimes humour. Sincerity and honouring of other was palpable. Sharing in the morning circle was relatively easy as I never felt any judgement from you. “

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