About Sacred Touch

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♥ Creating a space where you are honoured, loved and accepted just as you are ♥


Do you have a clear sense of who you are?

Do you wake each morning with a sense of delight?

Are you pain free and in excellent health?

Do you feel a sense of flow in your world?


I support you to clear what lies in your way to welcoming you back to your embodied sovereignty, power and potency.

Things we may clear include past trauma or pain from your physical, emotional and soul bodies, and re-establish personal boundaries and consent around boundaries, again in the physical, emotional and spiritual, or energetic. 

I reconnect you to your soul alignment, which has become derailed through the millennia.

Sacred Touch is a sacred space of unconditional love and safety where I (Gillian) will support you to explore who you are in a way that goes beyond the persona that you dare to share with the world; where you can explore how you relate to yourself, to your Life, to your own spirituality, sexuality and sensuality and begin to reintegrate all three and to reclaim your wholeness. I work in a unique way that would best be described as both shamanic and tantric, to support you as you are in the moment to come back into your own Power, Alignment and Sovereignty.

Much of what I do is to support you to let go of attachment that draws your power and energy: attachment to past and future, attachment to expectation, and to come into the present and to start fully living. This can also entail letting go of physical, mental and emotional pain, and clearing any energies or issues which are not serving you. I use various techniques, particularly touch, hence the name ‘Sacred Touch’, movement, and voice, whilst clearing, rebalancing and transforming the subtle and physical energies.

A Dakini may be described as in ‘she who eats the poison and transforms it’ and in this way I function as a Dakini in my own life and may catalyse this in others.

Although words can convey information, they can also limit possibility and create expectation, which in itself, limits possibility. It is your choice therefore to enter this space with an open mind and heart, open to all possibility.

I offer sessions for individuals and couples: Shamanic Medicine Sessions, Sexual Healing sessions and coaching, Sacred Touch coaching sessions, and shamanic transformation sessions.

I also offer training for individuals and couples who would like to learn to give Sacred Touch/tantra massage to their beloved and for those who intend to practice professionally.

I deliver one and two day workshops and short and longer retreats. I

I offer coaching and healing sessions via telephone & Skype.


My next available appointments are detailed here.

*** if you would like an appointment/session with me and to get more information please contact me here or email me on gillian@sacred-touch.co.uk ***

Gillian’s temple space is near Glasgow in Scotland.(I also offer sessions as I travel and occasionally offer sessions in Aberdeen, and other venues throughout the UK and abroad …)


Please check out my events page for forthcoming trainings and events


“I wanted to experience a session with Gillian because my journey into transformation and intimacy reached a point of deepening. I really wanted to enter an intimate space of connect from which to work with this. I felt incredibly safe, natural and in my ease with Gillian. Even though I didn’t really know what to expect from the session, I was very surprised at what developed in our work together. I found Gillian’s work to be intuitive and could feel her reading and following my own energetic responses, particularly through her touch ~ she is clearly a healer and her energy on contact was, in turn, catalytic for me. The energy moving through my body was very strong and essentially, Gillian embodied the Doula and helped initiate a powerful birthing process. Surprisingly (or not!) the baby turned out to be a retrieval of my own Power. What I discover as I move deeper into this level of work is that until a process is literally ‘moved’ through the physical vehicle, transformation and change cannot truly take root ~ and this is one of the magical secrets of sacred touch. Thank you Gillian!” ~ female client

“I had been dreaming of this kind of loving tender care for years and never been honoured with it. And you take me to the summit, beyond anything I knew existed in a loving embrace within which I never even for a second felt unsafe.” ~ male client

Sacred Touch World – look for us on Meetup.com

this is usually held on the first Friday of the month, in Prestwick …. next on Friday 4th October 2024 in Prestwick Community Centre ….

“I love how you lead everyone in with your meditation. I have loved the experiences you have brought to everybody. I have enjoyed how you let the experiences unfold and be shared in a loving space. Every time I have left I have been contemplating new thoughts and feelings – peace and fun. There is a sense of peace in the space you create along with humour, reality and fun” ~ SHT group member (female)

I’d so love to tell you about all the exciting things I have planned.
If you would like to hear about upcoming events & services please sign up to receive my newsletter.
With love, Gillian

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.I’d so love to tell you about all the exciting things I have planned.
If you would like to hear about upcoming events & services please sign up to receive my newsletter.
With love, Gillian

Subscribe to my mailing list HERE!

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