

*♥* All my events are a deep, loving and sincere invitation to know yourself; to know your truth and to find your joy *♥*

Upcoming Events:



Sacred De-armoring, Reclaiming the wild body – 2-day workshop with Gillian Alexander
(more information here )

Level 1 training, including foundation.
Near Glasgow, Sat 19th and Sun 20th October 2024
Foundation only.
Near Glasgow, dates tbc
Level 2 training.
Near Glasgow, dates tbc
From 10:30am till 6pm

A  two day workshop with a difference.  De-armouring is a deep process that helps us release pain and trauma stored within the physical, emotional and energetic bodies. These traumas can be stored deep within our bodies and, over the years, we build up layers of ‘armour’ to keep the pain hidden and prevent us from having to deal with the source. This process sets up such a disconnection from ourselves and our Truth that it prevents us from living and fulfilling our full potential. Releasing this armour allows us to transform our lives by letting go of the limitations that we have imposed upon ourselves. This process can help you reconnect with yourself – this in turn will help you reconnect with others and with the joy that is available when we allow ourselves to be open to it. This can be a process of liberation and empowerment.


Ancestral Healing: empowered lineage – one day workshop with Gillian Alexander
(more information here)

Near Glasgow, Sunday 13th October 2024
from 10:30am till 6pm

A full day workshop with a difference.  At these unprecedented times of transformation, are you ready to heal your own ancestral lineage?  This one-day experiential workshop offers you the space to claim the gifts from your lineage and your ancestors, and to shed those imprints and patterns that block or do not serve you well in life.  You learn to use this powerful, yet simple process, in a very practical workshop that can transform your life. You will learn the techniques and receive healing of your own ancestral lineage.

On the Threshold .. Celebration of Imbolc – one day playshop, with Gillian Alexander
(more information here)

Near Glasgow, Sunday, 2nd February 2025
from 10:30am till 5.30pm

As we mark the ebbing of winter and the coming of spring, and celebrate the returning light, you are lovingly invited to come join us in a celebration of your own potency and potential.

The word ‘Imbolc’ translates as ‘In the belly’ – it is the time when our ancestors gave thanks for making it through the cold months, and though more were to come, they could see the light and warmth and growth of spring return. This time is the time of Bride or St Brigit who is the goddess or the patron saint of the hearth; of home, warmth and the safety of the womb, as we prepare for all that will be born into this year. This is the time to hold the vision of all that you call to yourself for this year.

Emergence .. Celebration of Ostara – one day playshop, with Gillian Alexander
(more information here)

Near Glasgow, Saturday, 22nd March 2025
from 10:30am till 5.30pm

As we mark point of balance between light and dark, and the beginning of spring, come join us in a celebration of your own potency, potential and creative power.  This is the time when Persephone returned from the underworld.  In many traditions this time is celebrated as the return of vibrancy and life to the earth.

This is an incredibly potent time, which marks the beginning of Spring.  We only have to look around to see birds in pairs, or busy with the process of nest building, or sheep with heavy bellies in the fields, to see the new life emerging all around us.  This is a time where the air is thick with promise of the new, and of life full of vitality.  This is the perfect time and field to support us through anything.


A Celebration of the Celtic Festival of Yule & Winter Solstice – one day playshop with Gillian Alexander
(more information here)

Near Glasgow, 21st December 2024
from 10:30am till 5.30pm

Is it time for you to come play?  This is a lovely day where we celebrate all that we have experienced this year and look forward to an amazing year coming. The word ‘Yule’ comes from the Norse word ‘Jul’ which means ‘wheel’. This is the longest night and the shortest day of the year and after which the daylight hours begin to lengthen. The Winter Solstice is considered a time of miracles when we welcome the light; a time of wonder; a time to move away from the darkness and toward the light. In the Pagan traditions of Alba, Scotland, this was considered a time of gratitude for the preceding year and a time to look forward to all that the next year holds.



Awaken to the Sacred and beyond: return to innocence
– residential training with Gillian Alexander
(more information here)

Upcoming – tbc
on the Isle of Bute, Scotland,
from Saturday 27th October through Monday
30th October 2023
from 10:30am till 4pm on the first and last days

This is a residential journey into yourself, the unseen, your power, boundaries and how to thrive.   It is an invitation onto a journey of remembering.  It is an invitation to remember our own power, and wisdom, and wildness, and to rediscover our Innocence, and guiding you towards your own truth and claiming your birthright as a radiant and powerful, embodied being.


Sacred Mastery – Standing in Sovereignty and Embodied Power
(more information here)

from Saturday 27th October till Thursday 2nd November 2023
from 10:30am till 4pm

At the Celtic festival of Samhain, when the veils are thin, for those who are gatekeepers, and key-holders, and movers and shakers, we will find the mastery within and explore how we express that in our world.

You will know if you are ready for this retreat, though you will at least have attended Awaken to the Sacred, or equivalent.   You already know that all of you is welcome and are holding the same for others, and you are standing in sovereignty in your own life and engaging fully in all of your own process.



Summary of all workshops offered (in the UK or internationally):

Workshop 1 (2-day workshop):


In our wildness, we process all experiences at the time they happen; as children do; as wild animals do.

De-armouring is a subtle, yet profound process that helps release pain, trauma & blockages within our physical, emotional & energetic bodies – allowing you to live life fully, in freedom, joy, & in your power; feeling your body & your emotional responses to life within that body.

When our body experiences itself in a place of safety it will release trauma as it arises.  If we can hold a body and psyche in a place that feels safe then trauma held in the body and psyche can surface and clear.

The Level 1 workshop gives you an introduction to why we need this work, how to create a safe place to support clearing, & a glimpse into how life can be.  You will see the process in action & practice with others, learning tools you can use in your own time, and incorporate into your work with others.  And you will explore how more gentleness allows greater depth of healing.
In Level 2 we go deeper, including jaw and pelvic de-armouring (clothed)

Workshop 2 (one-day):


How do we experience being in the body that we inhabit and in the gender we perceive ourselves to be and how we relate to each other when we come together with another?

Whatever our belief system, we are in a body that would be recognised by others as either man or woman. This impacts on our experience of living within a society that has stereotypical views about anyone who has this body shape. We each have our own experience of being in this body within these stereotypes, and especially within a society that advocates two distinct genders. This is an opportunity to explore what that means; what is your experience of being ‘man’, or ‘woman’; & how does this impact on your interactions with others.

And how would it be if we were to move beyond this stereotyping?

Workshop 3 (one-day, though could be longer):


In the beginning, when we were whole, complete, innocent, & wild, we knew our own power & the perfection of all
Then came life, & parents & other people
And as we were taught what to believe, we forgot who we are; we forgot our power; we forgot our connection to the land & to each other & to God& to all things; we forgot about the purity & the power of our sexuality; and we forgot our innocence

We learnt shame & doubt & fear

And we became compliant

In this workshop we explore the disconnect & wound within ourself, with each other, & with the land, & begin to explore our way home into wholeness

Workshop 4 (usually one-day, but I sense here would need 2-days):


This one-day experiential workshop offers you the space to claim the gifts from your lineage and your ancestors, and to shed those imprints and patterns that block or do not serve you well in life.  You learn to use this powerful, yet simple process, in a very practical workshop that can transform your life. You will learn the techniques and receive healing of your own ancestral lineage.

Workshop 5 (one or more days):


You have a sense that there is more to sex than you are told? You remember a time, when you were young, when sex was wild and free and innocent and pure … and powerful? Then came culture, porn and peer pressure.  This will be an opportunity to explore what sex and sexuality is in your essence, and what is possible when we return to this purity and power …

Workshop 6 (one, or occasionally two days):


At these unprecedented times of transformation, are you ready to heal your own ancestral lineage?

How would your life be if it was free of these ties that bind?

This one-day experiential workshop offers you the space to claim the gifts from your lineage and your ancestors, and to shed those imprints and patterns that block or do not serve you well in life.  You learn to use this powerful, yet simple process, in a very practical workshop that can transform your life. You will learn the techniques and receive healing of your own ancestral lineage.


Still to come:

– Dates to be confirmed – Sacred Dearmoring, Part 2, with Gillian Alexander (2-day event, residential)
– Honour The One – 1-day playshop

Cancellation & Refund Policy – unless otherwise stated on the event page:

Any cancellations must be made by email preferably stating reasons. Once payment has been made the following refund policy shall apply;

Unless otherwise specified – There is an administration charge of £30 to cover costs incurred for processing registration & cancellation. Cancellation 6 weeks prior to event – full refund less administration charge mentioned above unless participant has someone to take their place. Cancellation 3 weeks prior to event – 50% refund less administration charge mentioned above unless participant has someone to take their place. Thereafter and failing obtaining a replacement participant all fees will be forfeited. This is unless the event is fully booked at which time full refund will be given less administration fee.  please note that specific cancellation terms apply to some events, in which case they are listed on the event page to which they apply.

Special offers and incentives:

For most of my short workshops you will receive a generous 10% discount for each full-paying person you bring along (so if you bring a few friends then you get in free!)

What others are saying:

“I always feel held in a space of love in your workshops Gillian; that allows me to open up to myself and receive gifts that otherwise would not be available to me. Your deep knowledge is passed on in such a caring, friendly way. I feel your compassion throughout. And I so enjoying laughing in workshops – thank you for creating such an amazing atmosphere.” ~ Carole


Past events:

You can find more information about some of our past events here

Claiming Awareness in Sexuality – one day workshop with Gillian Alexander

Date and venue to be confirmed
from 10:30am till 5:30pm
(more information here)

This will be a full-day exploration of our awareness of Self, of our Sexuality in intimacy with ourself and as reflected by Other.  We will create a sacred and intimate container within which to explore who we are as sexual beings in our full Truth.

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