Sexual healing through Tantric Practice – Healing Sexual Trauma with Dr Shakti Malan, June 2011

A talk and discussion on Friday 3rd June 2011

A one day workshop on Sunday 5th June 2011

Flyer for this workshop

Sexual trauma

Sexual trauma can occur through the subtlest of means. Its impact on our individual lives and on society is vastly underestimated. It is an area of work in which I have extensive experience, both in individual and group contexts. This workshop brings you my my approach to working with sexual trauma and on how I listen to the songs being sung by these old wounds.

Is sexual trauma caused only by sexual touch? What about the impact of sexual innuendo and emotional incest? What is the impact of sexual trauma at various stages of our lives?

Sexual trauma memories are often held in the unconscious. Here we take a good look at how these unconscious memories make themselves known – through body/cellular memory, through associations in sexual life and through erotic fantasy. When we recognize these ways in which the body reveals its stories, we can encourage the old songs to be sung so that what was denied, can now be accepted and integrated into the body. An excellent tool for working with the body’s response to trauma memory is following the rhythm of contraction and expansion that happens in the nervous system when old trauma gets touched. I discuss how I do this in practice, and teach you practices to do so yourself.

The Tantric response

The practice of Tantra asks of us to be total – to be willing to feel every emotion that arises, to sit in the fire of sometimes unbearable sensation. When we can be with the body’s wise response in patience and totality, a deep integration happens in us. We find our “NO”. We find our “YES.” We honour our past stories and let them go. We come closer to the realization of who we really are.

We open up to a new song. Our desire flows in free, but healthy, ways.

What we you will learn on the workshop

  • Tantric understanding of sexual trauma and healing
  • Experiential introduction to methods you can use to assist yourself and beloveds in releasing sexual trauma
  • An appreciation for the release that can be done with the assistance of a Tantrika

Who is the workshop for

Seekers of truth who desire to live in the fullness of who you are. This includes

  • Persons searching for sexual healing
  • Partners, friends and beloveds of those who are ready for sexual trauma release
  • Healers and practitioners wanting to work with sexual healing and
  • Any sincere seekers interested in the field of sexual healing

The facilitator, Shakti Malan

Shakti has a well established practice as Tantrika in South Africa. For details on her background, the nature and extent of her work, see and
For more on her approach to sexual healing, see


When: Friday 3 June from 19:00 to 21:00

Where: Yoga Healing Glasgow

Price: £10/£7 concession if paid in advance or £15 on the door


When: Sunday 5 June 2011 from 10:00 – 17:00

Where: Yoga Healing Glasgow

Price: Workshop – £100 / £85 concession (also a 10% discount if you book both workshops)

To Register: Email Gillian on or call on 07913 906 343 (booking form)

You are strongly advised to book in advance to secure your place. Early booking is advisable as the workshop has a limited number of places.

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